Wow, it has been a year since I graduated from high school... That is just insane to me. I have a little less than a week left of college this year and I should be on track for graduation next year. Jarvis on the other hand might not be. Jen too is having some troubles at the university she is attending, but let's not go into that.
On the upside, it meant that my sister graduated from high school!! Yay! She will be leaving home and I won't have to see her everyday!! *does happy dance* I'm not excited at all...LOL. We had her graduation party recently and I had the opportunity to see an old friend. He isn't old, we have just known each other for a while, a long while. We got to talking and when he had to leave he gave me three hugs!! *fan girl screams* Sorry, it has been three years since I have had male contact that wasn't related to me... Anywho.
For anyone who doesn't know, I am an avid book reader. I have recently started rereading the Harry Potter series and have been enjoying myself. I am trying to get through the sixth book before the movie comes out in July (I'm going to go to the midnight showing!!). I have also been keeping up with author Tony Abbott and his books that are coming out. They are getting better and better. Jarvis and I are now reading two of his series: The Secrets of Droon and The Haunting of Derek Stone. Derek Stone is amazing!! I can't wait to get my hands on the third book!
In other oddities, Jarvis has a boyfriend. Yeah, I knew it would happen someday. He is actually a good guy and he is friend approved. The only thing is Jen and I now never see Jarvis. This is kinda hard on our friendship, but we will make it through. The three of us recently went to Disney Pixar's Up and we thought it was amazing! If you haven't seen it you totally should! It has the funniest story line ever! It really makes up for the Toy Story 3 trailer at the beginning of the movie.