Sunday, October 21, 2007

Seniorosity, Dumbledore and Friends

Well I have to say that seeing my cousin and his wife were a highlight of this month. Just the other weekend my family went to my Granparents house and my cousin and his wife were there! It was so much fun. We went to a water fall in Oregon and we hiked to the top. That was tiring, let me tell you. We also played card games with everyone, Grandpa cheats...

School has been going well. I still hate R&R. It is the crappiest class ever. I almost wish that I had Business Law...Almost. I think that I might be switching out of Econ. next semester into CWP. From what I have heard, Econ. is a hard class and I just might not be able to handle it. On top of that I need to apply to colleges. All of which have a fee of $50 to apply to. Sounds like fun, hun?

I recently found out that one of the greatest characters of all time in the Harry Potter books (which I lobe!) and the greatest wizard was gay! Yes Dumbledore is gay! I loved it! Oh my goodness it made me smile and I wish that JKR had told us die hard fans sooner. And it also fits that Neville (or Nibbles to me and my friends) is married to Hannah Abbott. It just all really fits now and I really want JKR to hurry up and write that Harry Potter Encyclopedia.

I also have a new friend this year. She fits right in with the rest of the group and it is fabity fab fab! My other friend in Yearbook has told me that one of our guy friends is gay and it made me smile just like I did when I found out that Dumbledore was gay. It just fit.

I cannot wait until next month. Thanksgiving weekend is going to be great! No school and seeing my family. I'll be happy. On top of that this Halloween I'm dressing up as a character in the Wheel of Time series. 'The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills.'

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