Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Classes, Literature, and School in General

Classes started yesterday and they are continuing today. I only have one class on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but I have three classes on Tuesdays and Thursdays. While this is good for Mondays and Fridays when there are usually days off of school, it really sucks for Tuesdays that feel like Mondays.

In other news one of the three literature courses I am taking is requiring a blog. I am hoping that the url "lostinliterature" isn't used somewhere, because I find it to be perfect. I might put the link here once it is set up. That way anyone who actually reads this would be able to see that I am keeping up on the blog once a week thing. I haven't let you down so far (then again it is only January...still plenty of time to screw up).

I am hoping to have another post later this week...maybe to fill in what has been going on.

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